Finally, now you can install your favorite movie app, MovieBox Pro for your iPhone, iPad and iPod with Apple’s official App Store. This will be great news for Movie Box fans those who are willing to watch / download movies and TV shows free on iOS devices. Here’s how you can download the app on the App Store with no revoke.
You can also download MovieBox Pro app online and offline with or without jailbreak your iOS.
How to install MovieBox Pro for iPhone / iPad / iPod on App Store?
- First, download “SReader EPUB & TXT” app on App Store to your iPhone / iPad

- Open SReader app on your device and click on “+” mark

- Tap “Google Drive”

- Click “Continue”

- Sign in with your Gmail

- Click “Allow”

- Login again with your Google account to access MovieBox Pro

- Click “Continue”

- Enjoy….

- App Store app
- No Revoke
- Latest version (V 7.1)